Booking Options (Select Room)

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Please use a colon between hour and minutes (ie 10 : 30)

Start Time*: (use 24 hr - ie 13:00)

End Time*: (use 24 hr - ie 14:00)

Full Name*:




Booking information*:

Please tick to confirm you have read and agree with of our terms and conditions*:
Read our T & C's here

 Agree to Terms & Conditions


Village Hall Hiring Fees 2024

Main Hall

Group Meetings/Regular Users (Monthly) £12.00 per hour

Charity Events £12.00 per hour

Children’s Parties £12.00 per hour

Christenings £15.00 per hour

Funerals £12.00 per hour

Commercial Bookings £20.00 per hour

Adult’s Parties  £12.00 per hour

Half Day (up to 9 hours) £100.00

Full Day (9am to 12pm) £180.00


Community Room

Group Meetings / Regular Users £8.00 per hour

Charity Events £10.00 per hour

Children’s Parties £10.00 per hour

Christenings £10.00 per hour

Funerals £10.00 per hour

Commercial £15.00 per hour


Both Rooms

Children’s Parties £20.00 per hour

Charity Events £20.00 per hour

Adult’s Parties £25.00 per hour

Commercial £30.00 per hour

Group meetings and regular users qualify by average use of once per month

Please click on the image above to download, please fill in the form and return to Kingstone Village Hall.